LAUNCH Foundations

A 6-wk Group Coaching Container For Established or Aspiring Soulpreneurs & New Earth Visionaries


LAUNCH Foundations is a first-step, basic
container where we support and expand your path towards heart-based leadership and/or entrepreneurship. ​

Whether you've started your heart-based business or are a facilitator wanting to go to the next level or---you're ready to bring your vision to life, our 6 weeks together will give you clarity, confidence and support to serve while creating a life you love.

This is about developing a clear mission and simple, yet powerful vehicle for your gifts and service, so you can reach and support others using your unique energy and experiences.​​

LAUNCH Foundations leaves the overwhelm behind, and instead focuses on new-paradigm, foundational practices for developing your Soul-centered livlihood or community.

This is a 6-week small group mentoring and coaching container that offers:​

-A simple, highly effective plan of action for moving forward, including concrete steps each week to set up your organization and platforms in a way that works for you.

-Small group, individualized attention---I work with only 3-4 people at a time.

-Discovery of your authentic voice as a facilitator &/or Soulpreneur

-Practical experience and development of confidence & trust using your skills and gifts to help others.

-Assessment of your current role or business (if applicable) so you can determine and course-correct your true path going forward.

-Deeper connection with your personal and professional experiences through the heart and energy system so you can draw from them and then inspire by example.

-Group & personal clearing of energetic blocks, mindsets and negative patterning that prevent you from supporting yourself and others with your gifts at a higher level.

-Expansion of Self, and deeper understanding of your purpose and mission.

-Assistance in finding and connecting with your tribe so you can begin to inspire, lead and support immediately!


1:1 Jump Start Pre-Planning Session with Ina before starting the start

6 weeks of live group coaching via Zoom, 1.5 hrs, 1x per week + 1 60 min. practice day (total 2 days/week)

24/7 support as needed

Replays of all coaching sessions

Community chat-and-post support platform

Materials and guides for each week, including Bonus material before we start

Discounted exchange for additional 1:1 sessions w/Ina if desired

Free post-course membership support & practice community for LAUNCH students


What The Past LAUNCH Community Is Saying...

"Ina's Launch Foundations Course was AMAZING!

Not only do I have an authentic path to starting my heart based business, but I have made endearing connections with everyone in the group.

Through the years I have experienced intense resistance with starting my business similar to running up against a brick wall. Ina has set up a safe structure and container to break through these fears and overwhelm.

The practice sessions have been invaluable for me allowing for exploration and discovery. Practicing my gifts in front of others was terrifying, exhilarating, and so much FUN.

The ongoing support gave me the courage to face my blocks and move through them once and for all.

Ina is an example of the power of transparency and heart based service.

I'm finally stepping into my authentic self. Thank you Ina and fellow Soul Sistars. I am forever grateful for all the support and love during this birthing process."

Denise, NH, United States

"Ina is truly a Wayshower! She shares and demonstrates with such grace, ease and honesty from a deep-heart knowing and love for humanity. She invites and brings to surface Self Discovery and Self Knowing.

With each lesson of the Launch Foundation presented, a depth of Self-Confidence is instilled and integrated offering you the ability to know your true Self-Worth and Self-Trust, and the ability to step forward into your TRUE SELF becoming the Wayshower that we all are.

Ina encourages you to be open with yourself and practice and share within the group any of your skills, talents, abilities and gifts that you wish to share with humanity.

If you are looking for a mentor to teach and encourage you through all the lessons and skills required to present yourself with Confidence and Trust to the world, then I more than highly recommend anyone to immerse themselves within the love, teachings and mentorship of Ina and the Launch Foundation."

Ra, Ontario, Canada

“Ina is a very experienced and talented mentor and guide. She provides a safe and supportive space to those looking to become a New Earth entrepreneur.

She brings years of experience in creating and running her own businesses in the traditional and in the spiritual/quantum field. She cares about those she works with and she really wants to see you succeed.

I feel so incredibly fortunate to have had her guidance and support as I venture into launching my own New Earth business. I highly recommend working with Ina if you are looking into launching a New Earth business. She will be the key to your success!!”

Shelli, MN, United States